
TOC Thinking and Management Trends

“TOC Thinking and Management Trends” presentation by Juergen Kanz. How can management or business trends be tackled with the help of TOC – Theory of Constraints Thinking and Strategy Tools? What are typical complexities in management environments

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The basics of TOC, by Goldratt

There is a few persons that has changes the way I am thinking and understanding what happens around me, one of them is Goldratt that I came a cross when I read his book about Critical Chain project management. I got so into it and the beauty of the solution that I even made a […]

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Goal is not enough we need lead objectives

Scrum with it’s daily stand-up’s, personal commitments and the focus on visibility was what made me think “this is fantastic”. LTP with its ease of Logical analyse to identify what to change to reach the goal and visualizing everything in easily read trees (Logical Thinking Process), this made me think “amassing, so simple”. Visualizing the […]

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